
Showing posts from April, 2014

કોણ ખરાબ

Looking for love of adventure. Emperor love to hunt. Emperor like to talk with people. Emperor with people and listen to Jay. Thing one day. Emperor was leaving to hunt with his special vajiro. Emperor and his house, went out of the house . the King's special is that they are also very tender. tender went with the Emperor. emperor was leaving the house, she saw a woodcutter. Chance was fairly close. Î he asked to stand. Stand woodcutter went via King. Emperor says: "Who are you? Riding in the morning here is a woodcutter heard the King say:" I'm going to woodcutter and wood Elimelech . " I talked to them for kathiyarae. Emperor and his men went to the jungle to take the horse. Spend the whole day in the forest to hunt out the Emperor did not   return empty-handed was dedicated to the Emperor. સવારનો નીકળેલો બાદશાહ સાંજ થવા આવી છતાં શિકાર હાથ ન લાગવાથી પરત થયો.આખો દિવસ ખાધા વગર બાદશાહે જંગલમાં પસાર કરવો પડેલ હોઈ બાદશાહ ખૂબ જ થાકી ગયો હતો.બાદશાહ કંટાળીન

કેરી વધારે ખાધી

Mahesadasa Akbar's new name is now known. Fancy   'tender' was named Will. Now he's saying he was tender. tender the tender. was soon a favorite of the King. tender whatever time I could go to the King's palace. And even if I did not Badshah Begum initiatives alone can not stop going. It's one day.'s Heat. Baked mango who have not? Emperor Akbar also carry the very same surveys. King had sent her a Link mangoes. Governor King is a special man. Emperor everything works for the Governor.'s Far from the whole country Since people can not. their urge to come back to the capital, the governor made the appointment. hatike The governor also know that Kerry King is a liar, and he was sent for a special sweet and the mangoes. Kerry King and Begum were eating. Carry accounts department they were separate things malakani. Cusatam Kerry King and Begum were sitting opposite. Exhaustion and cramps past the mango and convenience to the hull. Them to the hull

મહેશદાસ દરબારમાં

એક છોકરાં જેવો લાગતો આ મહેશદાસ રાજ મહેલની સામે ઊભો હતો.તેણે મહેલમાં જવું હતું.તે દરવાજામાંથી અંદર જવા ગયો અને ચોકીદારે તેને ન જવા રોકી લીધો.ચોકીદાર કહે:’અરે છોકરાં તારે દરબારમાં શું કામ છે?’મહેશદાસ કહે;’મને બાદશાહે મળવા માટે આવવાનું કીધું છે.’ચોકીદાર કહે:’એમ કઈ બાદશાહને ન મળાય.તને બાદશાહ કઈ રીતે માળી ગયા કે અહીં આવવા બોલાવી લીધો?’મહેશદાસ કહે:’ભાઈ જુઓ,મને બાદશાહે તેમની અંગૂઠી આપી છે.તે મને ઇનામ આપવાના છે.’ચોકીદાર કહે:આ બાદશાહની અંગૂઠી તે ચોરી પણ હોય?હું કઈ રીતે માનું કે આ અંગૂઠી તને બાદશાહે જ આપી છે? ચોકીદારની વાત સાંભળી મહેશદાસ કહે:’જુઓ...આજથી દસ એક દિવસ પહેલાં બાદશાહ અમારી તરફના જંગલમાં શિકાર માટે આવી ગયા હતાં..તે એકલા હતા.તેમણે તરસ લાગી હતી.મે તેમણે ખોબેથી પાણી પીવાનું શીખવી તેના ફાયદા શું થાય તેની માહિતી આપી હતી.બાદશાહ મારી વાતથી રાજી થયા હતાં.તેમણે મને આ અંગૂઠી આપી હતી.’ મહેશદાસે એકધારી વાત કરી દીધી.ચોકીદારને પણ ખબર હતી કે બાદશાહ દસ એક દિવસ પહેલાં શિકાર ખેલવા ગયા હતાં.અને ભૂલા પડી ગયા હતા.આ ચૂકારો સાચું જ બોલે છે.આને બાદશાહ ઇનામ આપશે જ.આવું ધરી મનોમન ચોકીદારે આ છોકરાના

બાદશાહ અને છોકરો

Emperor Akbar. It's a hobby. Love listening to music. Wise men love to meet. Was Akbar and hobbies. Return to a hobby King hunting hobby. It's one day. Emperor went to the forest to hunt. Aghala king went hunting chase. Their colleagues left behind. Emperor went to the separation. Break time king of the wild stampede through it. King was thirsty. Emperor in search of water, thus They were moving. they get water from the well to the lake were looking for. When the King went the distance, she spotted a boy. Lakadanibhari it was doing efforts. Plots in his hand and was leading. Emperor approached him. Emperor call me 'the children, stand.' Boy was running. Emperor to call me the second time, "I wanted children. 'Emperor had to shout. boy says:" I am standing. "King says," is going to say and he knows I am there? " The boy says, "I am standing. Karan my mind is spinning. Parovelum I am very busy in my mind I'm standing.&qu


Tongues. It is a dream of the night, the mother tongue language. Each of us must be proud of their mother tongue. This increases the pride and work to develop an understanding of it is. Part of the work is ready rupala a unique website to watch the fun. Modasa-based professor and friend of my elder diameter could actually reach through here. Fun fun ... in a poll by the leaders will use their authority. 'S My mother tongue, I started looking to the good and accurate.


मदिरालय जाने को घर से चलता हैं पीनेवाला , ‘किस पथ से जाऊं?’असमंजस मैं हैं वाह भोलाभाला ; अलग अलग पथ बतलाते सब पर मैं यह बतलाता हूँ – ‘राह पकड़ तू एक चला चल ,पा जाएगा मधुशाला ’| चलने ही चलने में कितना जीवन ,हाय ,चिता डाला ! ‘दूर अभी हैं ’पर कहता है हर पथ बतलानेवाला ; हिम्मत हैं ण बढूँ आगे को ,साहस है न फिरूँ पीछे ; किकर्तवीबिमूढ मुझे कर दूर खड़ी हैं मधुशाला | मुख से तू अविरत कहता जा मधु ,मदिरा, मादक हाला , हाथो में अनुभव करता जा एक ललित कल्पित प्याला , ध्यान किए जा मन में सुमधुर ,सुखाकर सुन्दर सकी का; और बढ़ा चल ,पथिक न तुजको दूर लगेगी मधुशाला | मदिरा पिने की अभिलाषा ही बन जाए जब हाला , अधरों की आतुरता में ही जब आभासित हो प्याला , बने ध्यान ही करते – करते जब सकी साकार ,रखे , रहे न हाला ,प्याला , साकी, तुजे मिलेगी मधुशाला | सुन ,कलकल ,छलछल मधु-घाट से गिरती प्यालो में हाल , सुन , रूनजून , रूनजून  चल वितरण करती मधु सकिवाला; बस आ पहुंचे ,दूर नहीं कुछ ,चार कदम अब चलना हैं ; चहक रहे ,सुन ,पीनेवाले ,महक रही ,ले मधुशाला | १० 

live skill

Using creative tools of functional literacy and skill development, we at Protsahan, believe in empowering the marginalized girls from the urban slums and trafficked points with a life skill that entitles her to dignified and happy adolescence. Protsahan use design oriented training to chum out creative products to be self sustainable. Protsahan make potli bags. candles, notebooks and some other material. This foundation is an international award winning organization working for creative education and skill Development in urban slums in india empowering marginalized children and girls.protsahan believe in creative arts as means to further education and vocational skill based project stree and artisan Honor. contact: Protsahan


हिन्दी गीत काव्य में हरिवंशराय वाच्चन का नाम अमर हैं !कई अमर काव्य,गीत और फ़िल्मी गीत उन्हों ने दिए हैं !एक सर्जक के रूप में उन्हें सारे भारत में जाना जाता हैं ! भारत के हिन्दी काव्य समाज में एक नया किरण निकालने वाला था !२७ अगस्त १९३३ के दिन उसकी शरुआत हुई !१९३५ में उसे प्रकाशित किया गया !सारे भारत में उसकी कई लाख प्रते बिक चुकी हैं !पॉकेट बुक के इतिहास में सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाला  यह पुस्तक याने ‘मधुशाला’ मेरे एक दोस्त ने मुझे १९३५ में छपी यह किताब भेजी !में अब आपकी खिदमत में पुन:लेखन कर रहाहूँ ! इस के सारे अधिकार हरिवंशराय बच्चान जी के हैं ! यहाँ अच्छी बात बताने के इरादेसे लिख रहा हूँ ! यह एक ऐसा पुस्तक हैं जिसकी सुवर्ण जयंती वर्ष को सरे देश ने उत्साह पूर्वक मनाया !इस अवसर में बच्चन जी ने कई और अंतरे भी जोड़े !जिसे में यहाँ बारी बारी आपको देने के लिए भेजता रहूँगा ! बस,आप के आनंद के लिए आपकी सेवामे... + भावो के अंगूरों की आज बना लाया हाला , प्रियतम, अपने ही हाथों से आज पिलाऊंगा प्याला ; पहले भोग लगा लूँ तेरा ,फिर प्रसाद जग पायेगा ; सबसे पहले तेरा स्वागत कराती

हमारी शिक्षा प्रणाली...

सभी को शिक्षा का अधिकार हैं!इस बातको कानून की तहत देखा गया हैं!हमारे देश के संविधान में इस बात को रखा हैं! यहाँ सवाल ये होता हैं की,क्या हमारा देश...हमारी शिक्षा के प्रति जानकारी और हमारे वोही पुरानी सोच क्या हमें इस अधिकार को पूर्ण करने में सहयोग देगी.आप क्या जानना चाहते है!आप क्या कर सकते हैं!शिखना केसे सीखे ये साडी बाते महत्त्व पूर्ण हैं.पर यहतो वाही गिसे पिटे लोग,अपनी लकड़ी से सभी को एक तरफ ही ले जाने की कोशिश करते हैं!क्या ऐसा नहीं हो  सकता की,संगीत और नृत्य को एक शोख की बजाय एक ध्येय के रूप में शिखाया जाए?क्या सभी बच्चे डॉक्टर बनाने के लिए ही पैदा हुए हैं?क्या कोई अच्छा पत्रकार या समाज सेवी नहीं बनाना चाहिए? आज कल नेताओ के बारे में उनके परिचयमें लिखा होता हैं...शोख:समाज सेवा.मगर वो कोई शिक्षा की बड़ी लायाकत प्रापर नहीं होते.!क्या समाज सेवा का कक्षा एक से ही कोई ऐसा पाठ्यक्रम नहीं होना चाहिए की जो तय करे को इस लायाकत को प्राप्त करने वाला समाज की सेवा ही करेगा...!आज की शिक्षा प्रणाली पे एक कार्टून. 

love you Dad

मेरी दो लडकी.बरी रूचा.छोटी चार्मी.मेरे निवास्थान का नाम इसी लिए मेने रखा 'रुचार्मी'यहाँ एक पारिवारिक कार्टून है!आप को पसंद आ सकता है..

what is life

आज साब कुछ गूगल कहेता है, कई सवाल जो बातों बातों में उभरते हैं,वो भी किस तरी के से तकनीक के कारन हंसी के पात्र बनाते है.देखि ऐ एक छोटा मगर बढिया कार्टून.

कोन गधा नहीं?

आज कल चुनावका मोसम हैं ! यहाभी गधा हैं,वहभी घधा हैं !जिधर देखू सिर्फ गधे ही गधे हैं, घोड़े को खाने के लिए गैस नहीं,और गधा च्यवन प्रास खा रहा हैं. देखते हैं,अब इस चुनाव में क्या होता हैं.आज कल तो सभी नेताओ को रब दिखता हैं....

દરેક તારીખનું અવનવું.

Vadodara. Thus a quaint town. Nowadays it is too hot. HAS stand up and fight like Narendra Modi Again for the First Time. If the Prime Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi as a representative of a Person THIRD. Morarji Desai, gulajharilala Nanda and maybe 272 if a third party's leadership. Every time after a decade or so, but the Prime Minister's chief candidate in the race to. This is a quiet city of Vadodara. 'S A young man. Named IT Nirmal Pathak., He did a Nice job. several well-known figures like able be like on His Blog Continue types like the birth Receive permanent; And get the information; Although IT Remains add like  That. know I just sent the link to my e-friend. trait I see my reporting date. liked me., I attended the school of the same name and was a former student. This is a wonderful self. pannalala Patel. date, a name can be added. kavivara Tagore. nirmanlabhai Hey! you like me to write my name., if you are not in the law. But I have to go to prison

Nirbhaya performances in Mumbai

Book your tickets now! A young woman and her male friend boarded a bus in urban Delhi heading for home. What followed, changed the lives of these two people and countless others forever. Internationally acclaimed playwright and director Yael Farber creates a searing new work that cracks open the cone of silence around women whose lives have been shattered by gender-based violence. Tearing away the shame that keeps the survivors silent, Nirbhaya is a voyage into a tapestry of personal testimonies that speaks for a world no longer able to hold the tides of change at bay. With a power-house cast and creative team comprising some of India's finest artists, Nirbhaya is a blistering evocation of that terrible night and the ripples of change it set in motion. Teamwork Arts presents, in association with British Council, the India tour of Nirbhaya - an Assembly, Riverside Studios and Poorna Jagannathan production. NIRBHAYA premiered at the prestigious Edinburgh Festival Fringe,