International magic summit 2014

The india is the country of magic. in india at 31st oct   to 2nd November 2014 a world wide summit at Trivandrum in kerala. Mr Gopinath Muthukand is main pirson for this summit. he says for every aspirant  magician who looks for a positive, an exciting opportunity beckons.
One of the biggest ambitions of magicians-an international get together-is soon becoming a reality. it’s going to be a magic festival, reunion of minds cerrying magical art and hands holding wands!!
It’s going to be magic planet  2014;an action packed,magically drenched and fun-filled 3 days magical extravaganza,from 31 october to 2nd November 2014 in thiruvanthpuram,kerala.
We are also happy to let you know that the opening of our prestigious project-magic plant-‘A magic mansion fully dedicated to the art of magic’on October 31st 2914,which is marked as Houdini day. thus the name of the convention is also titled-magic planet.
Kindly grace the event with your active participation!
Ever yours in magic.

for more...
Gopinath Muthukand 


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