Organisation and Arrangement
Hear is some topic…
The class room should be arranged to provide space for both large.
It should have a large covered floor area for children to sit different large & small group activity.
Tables and chairs in a corner for any individual table work.
The classroommust have provision for display of childrens work as well as project.
If space and & funds permit,the classroom should be setup with specific activite such as.
Toys,books and equipment corner is must in classroom.
A section for a creative arts and hoby.
Should be a specific space for keeping children’s lunch box.
Black board,display board and other provision shoud be made at low high at the level of children.
The classroom must have adequate stacking provision for play material from which children shoud be able to take items for play and replace methodically after play.
Important Considareration for Materiyal Selection:-
ü Safety
ü Appropriate in terms of children’s interests,age & learning abilities.
ü Quality & durability.
ü Flexibility of use i.e. material that can be used in a variety of ways & situations.